

The origins of English surnames can be divided into six categories.

Locative Derived from the names of specific places.
eg Lindfield,
The person will have moved from that place.
Topographical From words for features of the landscape.
Ford, Bridge, Style, Cleverly, Brooking
Occupational eg Baker, Cooper, Goldsmith. 
Also rank eg Burgess, Knight, Proctor, Franklin
From personal names Derived from 'first' or baptismal names
eg Godwin, Gilbert, Peters (genitive 's'), Williamson
Derived from nicknames Includes surnames from physical characteristics
eg Long, Brown, Fox, Badger
Surnames or relationships From terms of relationships
eg Couzens, Uncle and terms connected with relationships
eg B'stard, Filderoi, Fitzgerald

A Dictionary of English Surnames by P H Reaney. OUP revised third edition 1997. 019860092-5.
This remains 'the' reference book.
©Peter Cox 2003