
Publishing your Family History on the Internet


To share your research and make contact with fellow researchers
Getting it all down in a coherent manner

Look at other sites  

What attracts you to them?
Are they easy to use?
Do the pages download quickly (less than 10s)
Can you read the pages? (backgrounds)
Can you contact the author?
SFHG members
HGS members

Look at 'Aunty'  

The site loads quickly
is readable,
up to date,
access to homepage on every page

'No, No!'  

Special effects,
background music (copyright?)
hit counters
'mystery meat' navigation
This page is being constructed (plus naff animation)
'click here to enter'
'skip intro'
personal photos
other interests
telling the viewer to reset their browser, resolution ....

Web Pages That Suck!

'An Invitation to treat'

Layout - have one  

Have a home page
Give each page a title
Have a template
Don't use unusual colour schemes
Use columns - reading across a screen is not easy
On each page a link to the home page
Keep graphics small  - use gif or jpg compression
Include a contact email (as a graphic or dissected)
Check time for pages to load


You will need software to author your web pages and software to load them onto a website
Dreamweaver and Spider Writer provide screens showing
Web View
Or you can use  notepad in Windows to write web pages.

A file transfer programme, such as WS_FTP, or Core FTP is used to upload your webpages to the host.

Your ISP may have examples of both these programmes.
Try their website.


Spider Writer
Xara Webstyle


Webmonkey and HTML Goodies
For codes and shortcuts




Spider Writer,  Xara Webstyle, WS_FTP are often available
FREE on magazine discs.

'Early to bed,
Early to rise,
Ain't no good,
Unless you advertise'  

Put the URL as a 'sig' (signature) on your emails
Have a meaningful title for each page
Use META tags
Include on family History pages
Submit to search engines


But at the end of the day - it's your private website, the result of your hard work and payment, so...


Links checked November 2010
©Peter Cox 2003